Matt Pierce Blog

Everything That You’ve Been Warned About











Journalist 〰️ Photographer 〰️ Podcaster 〰️ YouTuber 〰️ Comedian 〰️

Podcasting The Way I See It

Rated M for Matt-ure

A wildly funny and deeply offensive podcast that uses an unintentional humor to address serious topics of the world today. You won’t find me taking sides here or walking any political line. I am just calling it the way that I see it and I know you see it the same way. Somewhere between “WOKE” and “WOKEN UP,” I am challenging everything from politicians to the news media and everything in between. Nothing is sacred, nothing is off-limits and this is the podcast where I just say whatever comes to mind and I roll with it. This is not your corporate scripted podcast. This is something that will challenge you, enlighten you, and keep you either laughing or pissed off for days. I don’t ask for permission or for takes—I just say what I think about things that catch my attention. Welcome to the damn circus!

Journalist Matt Pierce is a very popular blogger, content producer, and creative life coach based in Texas.

I’m Matt 

I’m just a South Texan. This is my homeland and I’m proud of it. In this brush country between San Antonio and the Mexico border is where I was born and raised. While I have been out to see and live in the world, I’ve always approached my job as a journalist with the greatest reverence. I’m mostly a freelancer these days and I publish my work on Medium and other internet websites. I’ve also written and covered stories for The Daily Beast, Business Insider, and many others. You can take a look at my MuckRack profile to see a more complete list. I’ve also consulted on Hollywood films, covered breaking news stories, and participated in many forums, discussion panels, and seminars about pivotal issues facing our world today. Like I say, I am a South Texan and despite the popular stereotype, we aren’t all what you think. I’ve always believed that there is a world beyond the narrative and my job is to find it.

Come along with me on the journey.